If you plan on involving your neighbors, talk to them first, so that they know when to expect the players to come by and ask for the item.Ĭonsider the age group of your players. Your neighborhood is a great place for a large scavenger hunt.You may also want to block off private areas, such as bedrooms and offices. A house is great for all ages, but it might be difficult to accommodate a large group.A backyard might be better for really young players. A park is great for older players or large groups.If the day is rainy or cold, it might be better to bring the scavenger hunt indoors.Warm and sunny days are for outdoor scavenger hunts.X Research source Here are some ideas to get you started: X Research source When and where you host the hunt will depend on how old the players are, how large the group is, the weather, and what sort of scavenger hunt you are doing. They can also be held just about anywhere, including parks, your home or neighborhood, or even a school.
Scavenger hunts can be held during the day or evening. Decide when and where you want to have the scavenger hunt.